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Candles and costumes can pose a fire risk around Halloween

Buckinghamshire Fire & Rescue Service want people who choose to celebrate Halloween to enjoy it, but every year many adults and children are injured due to the fire risks posed by the candles and costumes used at this time of year. Be aware that Halloween and other fancy-dress costumes are regulated as toys not clothes, so they do not meet the same safety standards as children’s clothing.

What TO Do

  • Use LED battery lights instead of candles in pumpkins
  • Avoid billowing or long trailing fabric on costumes
  • Avoid plastic capes or using bin liners as costumes, these will ignite and burn very easily
  • Keep flowing items like fake hair and capes away from candle and other flames
  • If your child is wearing a mask, make sure the eye holes are large enough so they can clearly see where they are going
  • Supervise young children at all times when trick or treating
  • If you must use candles use extra-long matches or a utility lighter to light candles inside pumpkins and place them on a heat proof surface well away from anything that can burn
  • Teach children to stop, drop and roll if their Halloween costume catches fire:
    • STOP still.
    • DROP to the ground, covering their face with their hands.
    • ROLL over to put the flames out.

Ensure children taking part in trick-or-treating know how to call 999 if needed.

What NOT To Do

  • Do not place candles or candle lit pumpkins on the edge of paths or steps where they could ignite the flowing Halloween costumes of trick-or-treaters

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