For emergencies


Buckinghamshire Fire & Rescue Service serves a population of more than 800,000 in the South East of England.

Select publish year

Thames Valley Fire Control Service (TVFCS) Joint Committee Meeting – 8 July 2024


Overview and Audit Committee – 17 July 2024






Ethnicity Pay Gap Report

Authority Article, HR, Our Results

Fire Authority Meetings 2022

Authority Article, Fire Authority, Meetings

Executive Committee Meetings 2022

Authority Article, Fire Authority, Meetings

Overview and Audit Committee 2022

Authority Article, Fire Authority, Meetings

Executive Committee – 8 February 2024

Authority Article, Fire Authority, Meetings

Fire Authority Meeting – 14 February 2024

Authority Article, Fire Authority, Meetings

Overview and Audit Committee – 13 March 2024

Authority Article, Fire Authority, Meetings

Executive Committee – 20 March 2024

Authority Article, Meetings

Thames Valley Fire Control Service Joint Committee Agenda and Reports – 18 March 2024

Authority Article, Meetings

Fire Authority Meeting – 6 December 2023

Authority Article, Meetings

Code of Conduct – Decision Notices

Authority Article, Fire Authority

Overview and Audit Committee – 8 November 2023

Authority Article, Meetings

Extraordinary Fire Authority Meeting – 7 November 2023

Authority Article, Meetings

Special Executive Committee Meeting – 7 November 2023

Authority Article, Meetings

Extraordinary Fire Authority Meeting – 24 October 2023

Authority Article, Meetings

Statement of Accounts for the year ending 31 March 2023

Authority Article

Executive Committee – 8 February 2023

Authority Article, Meetings

Executive Committee – 22 March 2023

Authority Article, Meetings

Extraordinary Fire Authority Meeting – 28 April 2023

Authority Article, Meetings

Fire Authority Meeting – 7 December 2022

Authority Article, Meetings

Overview and Audit Committee – 9 November 2022

Authority Article, Meetings

Fire Authority Meeting – 12 October 2022

Authority Article, Meetings

How to Register for Contract Opportunities

Authority Article, Procurement

Special Meeting of the Executive Committee – 7 October 2022

Authority Article, Meetings

How to Supply Goods and Services

Authority Article, Procurement

Standard Terms of Business

Authority Article, Procurement

Standing Orders Relating to Contracts

Authority Article, Governance and Policies, Procurement

Services we charge for

Authority Article

Financial Regulations

Authority Article

Financial Instructions

Authority Article

Medium Term Financial Plan

Authority Article, Our Plans

Treasury Management Strategy

Authority Article

Financial Information

Authority Article, Finance

Counter-Fraud and Corruption Policy

Authority Article

Anti Money Laundering Policy

Authority Article

Financial Policies

Authority Article, Finance

Financial Statements

Authority Article, Finance

Financial Strategy

Authority Article, Governance and Policies

Annual Governance Statements

Authority Article, Governance and Policies

Annual Audit Results Reports

Authority Article

Audit of Accounts

Authority Article

Financial Strategies and Plans

Authority Article, Finance

Senior Staff Salary Information

Authority Article

Annual Statement of Accounts

Authority Article

Capital Strategy

Authority Article

Staffing Transparency

Authority Article, Finance, Governance and Policies