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Enforcement, Appeals and Penalties

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Enforcement, Appeals and Penalties

Understanding the enforcement, appeal and penalty rules.

Ensuring fire safety measures are up to standard is a critical aspect of our work. Here’s a breakdown of what you need to know.

Our Inspections 

Our Fire Safety Inspecting Officers visit premises to assess the adequacy of fire safety measures. They provide guidance and support to help you understand how to keep people safe from fire while complying with legislation. 

Actions We Can Take 

Depending on the severity of any identified issues, we may take various actions: 

  • For minor concerns, we may issue a letter outlining fire safety matters and suggest improvements. 
  • For more serious breaches, we will serve a formal fire safety notice. 

Types of Notices

  • Alterations Notice: This is issued if we believe alterations to premises would pose a serious risk to people. 
  • Enforcement Notice: If there’s a failure to comply with any provision of the Fire Safety Order, this notice is issued. 
  • Prohibition Notice: This notice prohibits or restricts the use of premises if there’s a serious fire risk. 

Challenging Advice or Decisions 

We’re open to discussing our actions and requirements with you. If you disagree with our advice or decisions, you have the right to challenge them. Simply follow the appeal process outlined in the letter or contact the officer concerned. If needed, you can escalate your concerns to a senior Fire Safety Officer, call our service headquarters on 01296 744647 or via our Contact us page. 


You can appeal to your local magistrates’ court within 21 days of receiving a notice. Additionally, in certain circumstances, both you and the fire and rescue authority can seek a determination from the Communities Secretary to resolve a dispute. More information on this can be found on the Government website

If you find yourself unclear or dissatisfied with any of our advice or decisions, and you’re engaged in a partnership under the Primary Authority scheme, don’t hesitate to reach out to your primary authority. They have the authority to advocate on your behalf and address any concerns you may have. 


Penalties for non-compliance can vary. Minor penalties can be up to £5,000, while major penalties can result in unlimited fines and up to 2 years in prison.

By understanding these procedures and your rights, you can ensure that fire safety measures are properly addressed and maintained in your premises.

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