This online form provides a quick and easy way for you to obtain personalised home fire safety advice. The advice you receive will be relevant to you and the place where you live.
The form takes about 15 minutes to complete. It will provide you with online advice once completed. The information you provide will also indicate whether you are eligible for one of our free home fire safety visits (HFSV).
If you are eligible for an HFSV you will be asked to add your contact details. These details will be sent to us, and we will then contact you to explain more about the HFSV, and to arrange a suitable date and time for us to visit.
You can also use the online home fire safety check (OHFSC) form to obtain safety advice for a family member, friend or person you support. The form will help you find out if they are eligible for one of our HFSV’s.
If you can not complete the online form, please telephone us on 01296 744477, or send an email to:
We will talk you about your situation and book your HFSV if you are eligible for a visit.