Chief Fire Officer shares her aims + priorities with Wycombe Sound

Chief Fire Officer shares her aims + priorities with Wycombe Sound

A 12-minute insight into the Chief’s view of the Service, challenges and next steps.

CFO Louise Harrison shares her aims and priorities for the Service in Wycombe Sound radio interview.

She describes her first few weeks as being a ‘whirlwind’ and ‘fantastic’, having received a warm welcome when meeting lots of fantastic people.

She talks about the recent HMICFRS report received in November and is making sure there are plans in place to address the areas highlighted needing improvement. Louise is confident that the (HMICFRS) recommendations are ‘absolutely achievable’ and will help BFRS to improve, progress and aspire to be the modern Fire Service we want to be.

She describes her role as ‘challenging’ but a ‘fantastic position to be in’. Working for a Service that is committed to keeping our local community safe. Want to find out more? Listen to her radio interview with Wycombe Sound here – https://wycombesound.org.uk/bucks-new-chief-fire-officer/


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