Fire Appliance Donated To Fire Aid Project In Ukraine

Fire Appliance Donated To Fire Aid Project In Ukraine

On Thursday 12 March 2020, Buckinghamshire Fire & Rescue Service (BFRS) completed its first donation to Fire Aid, a UK-registered charity that provides ethical and sustainable donations of fire and rescue equipment and training to over 50 countries worldwide.

At its meeting on 12 February 2020, the Fire Authority approved a proposal for BFRS to donate end of life appliances via Fire Aid. You can read the paper that relates to this here.

Mark Hemming, Director of Finance and Assets, said: “This week we donated our first appliance to go overseas, which will be based and put to work in a project in the Ukraine. Given that on average over 4,000 people die each year on Ukraine’s roads, we are pleased to be able to support a project that focuses on enabling a quicker and more efficient response to road traffic incidents by local fire services.”

The vehicle has been allocated to the Scottish Emergency Rescue Association (SERA) who will be delivering it to the Ukraine as part of an ongoing project. You can find further information about Fire Aid’s work in the Ukraine on its website here.

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