On-Call Firefighter commitment

On-Call Firefighter commitment

Our On-Call employees are committed to responding when they are needed. If you are considering applying to become one of our On-Call crew, you will need to be ready to commit too.

For much of the time, an On-Call Fire Station does not have a crew in it.

Our On-Call Firefighters are alerted (normally via a smartphone app). The app activates when they are needed, and they have a maximum amount of time to report to the required fire station and, with their crew, mobilise the necessary appliance(s).

Our On-Call Firefighters usually have other occupations, but when the call comes, they drop whatever they are doing and become part of our team.

Depending on the type of cover given, an On-Call Firefighter could respond from home and/or a place of work, day and/or night. Our On-Call Firefighters can respond to their nearest fire station or to an alternative location for a delayed response to larger or prolonged incidents.

During periods of On-Call cover, each On-Call Firefighter receives a retaining fee. They receive a disturbance fee and additional hourly rate payments when responding to an emergency.

On-Call Firefighters need to be committed to train and gain the skills needed for the role. They must attend regular training activities, in addition to some weekend and other pre-planned sessions.

Our On-Call Firefighters also have opportunities to carry out additional duties such as shifts with Wholetime colleagues, community fire safety sessions, equipment maintenance and testing and general station routines. These duties are in addition to responding to emergencies, such as:

  • Animal rescues
  • Road traffic collisions
  • Property fires
  • Industrial fires
  • Fires in the open
  • Water rescues
  • Humanitarian assistance
  • Medical assistance

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