15 June 2022, 10:00 am
Item 1: Election of Chairman
Item 2: Appointment of Vice-Chairman
Item 3: Apologies
Item 4: Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 16 February 2022
Item 5: Matters Arising from the Previous Meeting
Item 6: Disclosure of Interests
Item 7: Chairman’s Announcements
Item 8: Petitions
Item 9: Questions
Item 10: Membership of the Authority
Item 11: Committee Matters
Item 12: Calendar of Meetings
Item 13: Appointment of Representatives to Outside Bodies
Item 14: Lead Member Responsibilities
Item 15: 2020-2025 Corporate Plan: Year 2 Progress Review and Year 3 Update
Item 16: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Objectives 2020-2025 Year two update
Item 17: Home Office Consultation ‘Reforming Our Fire and Rescue Service’
Item 18: Thames Valley Breathing Apparatus Project Update (March 2022)
Item 19: Exclusion of Public and Press
Item 20: Future Senior Management Team Succession Plan Report