Fire Authority Lead Members


Fire Authority Lead Members

Members who have a special responsibility on the Fire Authority.

Lead Member Responsibilities

Responsibility Lead Member
Service Delivery, Protection and Collaboration Councillor Simon Rouse
People, Equality and Diversity and Assurance Councillor Gary Hall
Finance and Assets, Information Security, IT Councillor Matthew Walsh
Health and Safety and Corporate Risk Councillor Keith McLean

Role Description – Lead Members

  • To take a lead role in providing support and constructive challenge to senior officers in the development of strategies and plans and contributing towards the strategic direction of the Authority, within the Authority’s overall policy objectives.
  • To act as a ‘sounding board’ for senior officers on issues within the portfolio, and be supportive in dealing with any problems at a strategic level.
  • To review, in conjunction with senior officers, the service within the portfolio.
  • To keep abreast of related developments and policies at national, regional and local level.
  • To take the lead in reporting to the Authority, one of its committees, or panels on issues within the portfolio.
  • To attend the Overview and Audit Committee, at its request, in connection with any issues associated with the portfolio which is the subject of scrutiny.
  • To act as a spokesperson for the Authority on issues within the portfolio.
  • To represent the Authority on bodies, at events and at conferences related to the portfolio, as appointed by the Executive Committee and to feedback to the Authority any issues of relevance/importance.