For emergencies
Fire Authority Meeting – 11 October 2023


Fire Authority Meeting – 11 October 2023

The Buckinghamshire & Milton Keynes Fire Authority Meeting is being held at the BUCKINGHAMSHIRE COUNCIL OFFICES, THE OCULUS, THE GATEWAY OFFICES, GATEHOUSE ROAD, AYLESBURY, BUCKS HP19 8FF, on WEDNESDAY 11 OCTOBER 2023 at 11.00 AM.Health and Safety:There will be limited facilities for members of the public to observe the meeting in person. A recording of the meeting will be available after the meeting (see link below).

Item 1: Apologies

Item 2: New Member of Authority

Item 3: Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 14 June 2023

Item 4: Matters Arising from the Previous Meeting

Item 5: Disclosure of Interests

Item 6: Chairman’s Announcements

Item 7: Petitions

Item 8: Questions

Item 9: Membership of the Authority

Item 10: Committee Matters

Item 11: Appointment of Vice-Chairman

Item 12: Lead Member Responsibilities

Item 13: Recommendations from Committees

Overview and Audit Committee – 19 July 2023

(a) Protocol on Member and Officer Relations

Executive Committee – 13 September 2023

(b) 2025-30 CRMP Listening and Engagement Consultation Outcomes

(c) Performance Management – Q1 2023/24

Item 14: People Strategy 2020-2025 – Year three update

Item 15: Extend the time period of the BFRS Response Strategy

Item 16: Exclusion of Public and Press

Item 17: Succession Planning

Item 18: Date of Next Meeting – Wednesday 6 December 2023 at 11am