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Gender Pay Gap Report


Gender Pay Gap Report

The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties and Public Authorities) Regulations 2017, that came into effect in 2017, require public sector organisations employing over 250 staff to carry out gender pay gap reporting.

From 30 March 2018, Buckinghamshire & Milton Keynes Fire Authority is required annually to publish six pieces of prescribed data about the pay and bonuses of males and females within the organisation:

  1. Mean gender pay gap in hourly pay
  2. Median gender pay gap in hourly pay
  3. Mean bonus gender pay gap 
  4. Median bonus gender pay gap
  5. Proportion of males and females receiving a bonus payment 
  6. Proportion of males and females in each pay quartile 

The six pieces of data are also available on the gov.uk website along with all other organisations with over 250 employees.

The Authority’s gender pay gap report presented to the Executive Committee on 23 March 2023 details the gender pay gap as at 31 March 2022. The mean (average) gender pay gap has decreased again in 2022, which is positive, and takes the Authority’s gender pay gap data below the UK national average for 2022.

The report has identified the Authority continues to have a gender pay gap, however figures are not expected to reduce significantly within the short to medium term, as the issues driving gender pay gaps require a longer-term commitment.

The Authority strives to increase gender diversity in all areas of the organisation. A particular continuing priority is attracting and retaining a more diverse workforce and having better representation of males and females at all levels across the organisation.