Overview and Audit Committee – 20 July 2022


Overview and Audit Committee – 20 July 2022

The Overview and Audit Committee meeting of the Buckinghamshire & Milton Keynes Fire Authority is being held in MEETING ROOM 1, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE, HEADQUARTERS, STOCKLAKE, AYLESBURY, BUCKS HP20 1BD on WEDNESDAY 20 JULY 2022 at 10.00 AM. Health and Safety: There will be extremely limited facilities for members of the public to observe the meeting in person, therefore a recording of the meeting will be available online after the meeting.

20 July 2022, 10:00 am

Item 1: Election of Chairman for 2022/23

Item 2: Appointment of Vice Chairman 2022/23

Item 3: Apologies

Item 4: Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 16 March 2022

Item 5: Matters Arising from the Previous Meeting

Item 6: Disclosure of Interests

Item 7: Questions

Item 8: RIPA Policy (Minute OA39 – 090316)

Item 9: Internal Audit Reports

Item 9(a): Final Audit Reports

Item 9(b): 2021/22 Annual Audit Report

Item 10: Annual Governance Statement 2021/22

Item 11: Corporate Risk Management

Item 12: Treasury Management Performance 2021/22

Item 13: HMICFRS – BFRS Improvement Plan Update: May 2022

Item 14: Prevention Improvement Plan – Update One

Item 15: Forward Plan

Item 16: Exclusion of Press and Public

Item 17: Exempt Draft Minutes

Item 18: Date of next meeting: Wednesday 9 November 2022 at 10am.