Buckinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service Logo


Publications Archive

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Collaboration Report

Authority Article, Fire Authority, Governance and Policies, Our Results

Scheme Manager Discretions (FFPS) Policy

Authority Article, Governance and Policies, HR

Trade Union Facility Time

Authority Article, Governance and Policies

Making a complaint about us

Authority Article, Fire Authority, Governance and Policies

Equality and Diversity Data Report

Authority Article, Governance and Policies, HR, Our Results

Thames Valley Collaboration Programme Register

Authority Article, Governance and Policies, Our Plans

Health, Safety and Wellbeing Report

Authority Article, Fire Authority, Governance and Policies, Our Results

Pay Policy Statement

Authority Article, Governance and Policies, HR

Fire Services Management Committee

Authority Article, Fire Authority

Fire Commission

Authority Article, Fire Authority

Members’ Scheme of Allowances

Authority Article, Fire Authority

Membership of Committees and Terms of Reference for the Fire Authority and its Committees

Authority Article, Fire Authority

Protocol on Member and Officer Relations

Authority Article, Fire Authority

Members’ Register of Interests

Authority Article, Fire Authority

Members Allowances Paid

Authority Article, Fire Authority

Executive Committee Meetings 2018

Authority Article, Meetings

Executive Committee Meetings 2017

Authority Article, Meetings

Overview and Audit Committee Meetings 2014

Authority Article, Meetings

Overview and Audit Committee Meetings 2015

Authority Article, Meetings

Overview and Audit Committee Meetings 2016

Authority Article, Meetings

Overview and Audit Committee Meetings 2017

Authority Article, Meetings

Overview and Audit Committee Meetings 2018

Authority Article, Meetings

Fire Authority Lead Members

Authority Article, Fire Authority

Executive Committee Meetings 2019

Authority Article, Meetings

Overview and Audit Committee Meetings 2019

Authority Article, Meetings