Stay safe, stay off the ice

Stay safe, stay off the ice

With the snow and icy conditions set to last for several days, Buckinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service is urging people to stay safe by staying off frozen water.

It’s really important we all understand the dangers of open waters during winter. A number of lakes and reservoirs may freeze during this cold snap and it’s hard to know how thick or how thin the ice is. The water temperatures will be freezing and water depths are hard to tell.
We echo the great advice found on the Royal Life Saving Society website Winter Water Safety | Royal Life Saving Society UK ( RLSS UK )

Call, Shout, Reach

If you witness somebody falling through ice, never venture on to the frozen water, no matter how safe it looks.

  • CALL the emergency services on 999
  • SHOUT for assistance
  • REACH. If it is safe to do so, try and reach them from the bank using a rope, pole, tree branch.
  • When reaching from the bank, lie down to avoid being pulled onto the ice
  • If you cannot reach them, slide something which floats, such as a plastic bottle or football, across the ice for them to hold onto to stay afloat whilst help is on the way
  • If the casualty is too far away, do not attempt to rescue them. Wait for the emergency services while calming and reassuring the casualty.

Dog owners

  • Stay clear of frozen water on your dog walks.
  • Don’t throw sticks or balls on to the frozen water.
  • Don’t go onto ice or into the water to rescue a dog, move to somewhere that the dog will be able to climb out and call them towards you.


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