What is an On-Call Firefighter?

What is an On-Call Firefighter?

On-Call Firefighters are professional Firefighters, but unlike their Wholetime colleagues, they usually respond from home or their primary employment on a call-by-call basis, via a smartphone app.

  • 60 per cent of all UK fire engines are crewed by On-Call Firefighters
  • There are over 14,000 On-Call Firefighters in the UK
  • Firefighters provide emergency cover to over 90 per cent of the UK

An On-Call Firefighter is someone who responds to a range of emergency calls and acts as an ambassador for the fire service.

When they get the call, they become professional Firefighters. Full training is provided on an ongoing basis, therefore previous experience is not required.

Our On-Call crew members are trained to deal with everything from extinguishing burning buildings to providing first aid.

Some On-Call Firefighters also crew special appliances such as hydraulic platforms and water carriers. On-Call crews will be called upon to attend the full range of incidents including fires, floods, road traffic collisions, chemical spills and more, and work alongside their Wholetime colleagues at many incidents.

Most On-Call Firefighters are based in rural areas and will crew a designated appliance at an On-Call fire station. However, some are based in urban areas on stations alongside Wholetime crews.

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