Preparing for Flooding

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Preparing for Flooding

Minimise the risk of flooding and the impact it has, with a plan.

1 in 6 homes in the UK is at risk of being affected by flooding. You can never eliminate the risk of flooding, but you can reduce the risk of water getting into your home and reduce its impact if it does get in. Being prepared by making a flooding action plan is one way of minimising the risks.

For further information about how to prepare for a flood ­visit the National Flood Forum website or the Environment Agency’s Flood Hub. You can also download the National Flood Forum booklet ‘Ready for flooding’.

The Environment Agency Flood Hub has advice on low-cost ways to make your home flood resilient.

What TO Do

  • Know how to turn off the gas, water and electricity supplies to your home
  • Ensure your buildings and contents insurance are sufficient
  • Identify and list urgent actions to undertake:
    • Move – what you can upstairs
    • Prevent – consider how you are going to prevent water entering your property, you may decide to purchase flood boards designed to seal your doors and air bricks, or you could keep a supply of empty sandbags and sand
    • Survive – make sure you have the means to keep warm, food to eat and a supply of clean drinking water
    • Electrical – have a charged battery pack to maintain mobile phone access
    • Car – consider moving your car to higher ground but only if it is safe to do so
  • Put together an emergency kit including medication, a torch, useful phone numbers, personal documents including your insurance details, and a photo record of the contents of your property now, do not wait for flooding to occur
  • Consider the needs of those living around you, such as the elderly or disabled
  • Register to receive flood warnings by phone, text or email

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